PARADENTOSIS TREATMENT2021-03-05T11:29:40+01:00

Paradentosis Treatment

Paradentosis can be treated successfully if addressed timely

Paradentosis diagnosis – do I have paradentosis?

Gum bleeding, change of tooth position, and bad breath are among first symptoms of initial paradentosis. If you contact us in this phase, the success rate of the treatment and paradentosis ending is one hundred percent. If advanced paradentosis occurs, teeth start waggling and, sometimes, they spontaneously fall out. Advanced paradentosis can also be successfully treated and stopped, and the treatment success depends on the stadium you contact us your cooperation with your dentist.

Paradentosis treatment methods

If we deal with initial phase, the treatment is directed towards removing the causes of gum inflammation, and these are plaque layers, inadequate fillings, or crowns which press the gum. It is necessary to notice them and replace them.

If medium phase of paradentosis occurs, deep gum cleaning with laser and ultrasound is performed.

If we deal with advanced phase, the treatment is performed with small surgical procedure and it is directed towards removing of gum excess (pockets) where food gets in and bacteria multiply and cause inflammation and gum withdrawal.

In these cases, removing the pockets is the only way to enable unhindered hygiene maintenance.

Therapy course

Surgical paradentosis treatment implies a small surgical procedure, which is done with the application of local anesthesia. Patients bear it very well and vast majority of patients are capable of returning to regular activities on the following day.

Having in mind that successful surgical procedure requires thorough gum cleaning, the procedure lasts a bit longer (2-3 hours if the whole jaw is done), so we recommend the patients to arm themselves with patience. The very procedure is painless and in most cases, there is no swelling or pain.

Suture removal is usually planned seven days after the procedure.

Bridge production, if planned, can be approached in 6-8 weeks after the procedure. With patients with advanced periodontitis, bridge production is usually required in order to connect and strengthen the teeth and prolong their lifespan.

Post-treatment recovery

In most cases, patients bear the procedure very well and vast majority of them are capable of returning to regular activities on the following day.

If it is necessary to extract some teeth during the procedure, we provide temporary teeth on the same day so the patient feels more comfortable during the recovery period.

Hygiene of the operated area is extremely important to avoid infection after the procedure.

If you have recently had surgical procedure, here you can download the document with detailed recommendations regarding hygiene maintenance of the operated region.

Care after successful treatment

Adequate hygiene is one of the prerequisites of whole therapy success, in long-term.

In order to maintain the achieved therapy results, and to prevent paradentosis from reoccurring, apart from standard hygiene which implies morning and evening tooth brushing, additional cleaning methods are mandatory. It means the use of interdental toothbrushes, oral showers, and mouthwash fluids.

You can read here more about hygiene after successfully performed paradentosis therapy.

Regular control examinations are required every six months. It is necessary to remove plaque and check the gum condition in detail in order to notice possible first signs of new inflammation in time.

How much does paradentosis treatment cost?

  • The price of paradentosis treatment varies on the phase you contacted us and the therapy which needs to be given in order to stop paradentosis.
Are you interested in approximate price for your case?
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