3D CBCT DIAGNOSTICS2023-10-02T11:28:11+02:00

3D CBCT Diagnostics

We provide images of highest quality with minimal radiation dose

What is a 3D CBCT image?

A 3D imaged is a tridimensional image of jaws and teeth, which is made by an X-ray machine. Afterwards, it can be observed in detail on a computer. We use these images quite regularly in our office because they increase the possibility of positive therapy outcome and provide the opportunity for the dentist to see clearly all inner bone structures which are relevant to the therapy and accordingly enable the dentist to make a good evaluation and preparation for the intervention.

Why is it important to make a 3D CBCT image before implantation?

There is a saying: “Preparation is a half job done”. During implantation, preparation and good planning, as well as identifying possible obstacles before the procedure itself, are 80% of a successful job.

Modern implantology is almost unimaginable without 3D images.

Based on the 3D image, the doctor can determine implant dimensions with high accuracy. Furthermore, it can be determined in advance if additional interventions will be required, such as augmentation or sinus-lift, which angle will be used to place the implant into the bone etc.

What does 3D recording look like?

3D recording is done in the same way as the recording “large” panoramic (OPT) image, where both jaws are visible. The recording is done while standing, lasts for about 30 seconds and it is completely painless.

Am I radiated during 3D recording?

3D recording is equivalent to radiation from our surroundings during several days to two months.

Modern machines can perform 10,000 recordings before they exceed yearly-approved limit. Therefore, radiation during recording should not concern you whatsoever.

How much does a 3D image of jaws/teeth cost?

  • The price of a 3D image depends whether a single tooth, one or both jaws are recorded.
  • The price for a single tooth is 3,000 RSD (approximately 25 EUR)
  • The price for one jaw is 6,000 RSD (approximately 50 EUR)
  • The price for both jaws is 9,000 RSD (approximately 77 EUR)

* Approximate prices are given only for the service of recording teeth and jaws, and they do not include record analysis by our surgeon. Imaging service is performed in external X-ray cabinets.

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