IMPLANT INSTALATION2020-09-07T10:31:17+02:00


Dental implants from well-known brands – quality guarantee

What are dental implants?

Implants are the closest equivalent to the natural teeth. Implants imitate tooth roots. The abutment is placed on the root. The abutment imitates tooth crown ready for placing the tooth “cover” – crown.

How does the implantation procedure look like?

If you opt for the therapy including implantation, the first step is 3D X-ray which gives us tridimensional image of your jawbone (height, width, length, density, and position of important anatomic structures such as nerves and sinuses).

The surgeon analyses the 3D image, concludes the condition of your bone and makes computer measurements in order to determine if you are a candidate for implants, and if you are, which type of work would be most suitable in your case. When you agree with your surgeon on the type of work, the choice of implant size is made, in accordance with the dimension of your jaw.

After the agreement with your surgeon, we do the implantation on the same or following day.

The very procedure is simple and quick, and most importantly, painless. Upon anesthetizing relevant region, a small cut is made on the gum. The implant is positioned through the cut. Afterwards, the cut is stitched.

Does implantation hurt?

The intervention is routine, done with local anesthetics. Our patients handle it very well. Before the procedure, every patient receives appropriate medicamentous therapy, so the therapy goes without stress whatsoever.

How long does the implantation last?

The duration of the implantation is determined by the number of implants. It takes 15 to 20 minutes for one implant. Additional surgical procedures such as augmentation, sinus lift, or PRF regenerative therapy can prolong the intervention time.

Implantation immediately after tooth extraction (immediate implantation)

In a great number of cases, it is possible to do the implantation in the place of extracted tooth immediately after the extraction, with the addition of artificial bone. To even consider implant implantation immediately after extraction, the tooth must not be under inflammation because the infection would almost undoubtedly lead to implant rejection, which is certainly one of unwanted situations in implantology.

Recovery after implantation

Several days after the intervention, solid food should be avoided as well as smoking if you are a smoker. External cold compress will reduce the swelling which normally occurs after intervention. Mouth hygiene is crucial in order to lessen the possibility of infection.

After the implantation, a period of time has to pass, usually three months, for the implant to coalesce with the bone. After the period, it is possible to place crowns or bridges on the implant.

Tooth implants – expiration date and warranty

With proper oral hygiene maintenance and following advice, implants should practically last for the rest of your life. Therefore, they are the best solution for treating missing teeth.

Our patients are exclusively offered implants which have been on the market for a long time – implants by Israel manufacturer MIS, USA company Bicon, and Swiss make premium dental implants system called Straumann. They perfectly complement each other and together, they provide the widest scope of prosthetic solutions for patients. Our offer includes implants produced by other companies as well.

Producers provide life-long warranty* on implant breaks, while our office provides 10-year warranty on joints between implants and bones.

*Warranty is valid with regular dental control examination every six months. Dental control can be done in another office if you are not a resident of the Republic of Serbia.

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